25,000+ Req/s for Rack JSON API with MRuby

Last month I gave the closing keynote at RubyDay 2015 by talking about Lotus and the future of Ruby. For the attendees, the most surprising part of my speech was about MRuby. It’s a minimal version of Ruby, that can be embedded in any system that supports C. I think that this technology can play a key role for Ruby in the next years. The simplicity of the language can be used within complex systems. »

JSON API Apps With Lotus

Do you need a fast and lightweight JSON API app? It must be powerful, flexible, quick to develop and easy to deploy? There is a simple solution for all these requirements: to use Lotus gems to build it. Lotus is well known for full stack web applications (via lotusrb), but all the gems of this toolkit can be used as standalone components in existing Ruby applications. It this case we will compose together the router and the actions to create a JSON API app that returns informations for books. »