Open Source Updates: Q1 2021

Hanami CI stability

I was one of the early adopters of Travis CI, but in more than a decade the service that served so well the Open Source community is not the first class solution that it used to be.

We decided to migrate to GitHub Actions, so I spent time to migrate all the Hanami gems to GitHub Actions. Not all the Open Source work is for the game of the fame.

If you want to keep an eye on the healthiness of Hanami, have a look at the Hanami status page.

Hanami CLI

The other biggest news is that I’m working on Hanami 2.0 CLI.

The most annoying CLI part is to work on code generators, because they are full of options, they require internal framework introspection, and dealing with tests that touch the file system isn’t the most pleasant experience.

But leveraging the lastest features from dry-cli (see the next section), the work is going pretty smooth.

dry-cli file utils enhancements

This CLI framework, that I extracted from Hanami 1.0, has builtin files utilities (extracted from hanami-utils). This module provides a very good unified abstraction for file manipulation: create, delete files, but also inject and remove contents from them.

The problem is that it hardcodes Ruby’s File and FileUtils, so it doesn’t play well with Dependency Injection, and it forces the final user to write integration tests that work with the Operating System real file system.

To solve my own problem (building hanami-cli), I reworked these file utilities to work with Dependency Injection and to allow in memory file system for fast and easy unit tests for code generators.

Hanami::API DSL

hanami-api can be now used not just to build blazing fast Ruby web apps, but also to build frameworks out of it.

Imagine you’re building a Ruby web framework, or simply you need a routing DSL. You declare a superclass like this:

# framework.rb
require "hanami/api"

module Framework
  class App
    def self.inherited(base)

Then in your app, you inherit from your superclass, which has now a .routes class method that can wrap all the routes. Within that block you have all the Hanami::API methods available.

 # app.rb
require "framework/app"

class MyApp < Framework::App
  routes do
    root { "Hello, World!" }

In (for Rack web servers), you just initialize your app.

require_relative "./app"


Hanami routes inspection

With the hanami-router 2.0 rewriting, I had to rework the inspection of the routes. This feature produces a long string blob that containts all the routes of an application in a pretty printed formatted way.


I want to thank my sponsors that support my Open Source work.

👉 Please consider to becoming my sponsor. 👈

Until the next quarter. 😎

Luca Guidi

Family man, software architect, Open Source indie developer, speaker.

Rome, Italy